by John Warre Tyndale
The Island of Sardinia
London 1849
Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street
Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty
in italian:
Since 1819 the government has, to a great extent, succeeded in quelling the Agiese atrocities; the coiners of false money no longer carry on their traffic on the Monte Fraili, or Mountain of the Forge, though it still retains its name; but a large cavern, and spring of water, called “la sorgente dei banditi,” known as having been the haunt and workshop of the offenders, is not entirely forsaken by the outlaws of the present day.
Postcards and Photos, Late 19th/Early 20th Century
collection Gianfranco Serafino
Contemporary Photos
HrodebertRobertus – Flickr, leysieffer- Flickr, Antonio Concas – Flickr, Vittorio Ruggero – Flickr, Monte Tumeu Sotza, Matteo Aisoni – Flickr, google earth